Letter to the Editor

This letter was written in response to an opinion piece written by Steve Sell.

Dear Editor,

I was disappointed to read that football coach Steve Sell is so dismissive of female sports and the women who have fought for years for the right to compete fairly.

First, despite the inflammatory language used, there were no “vicious attacks” on kids. A group of women (1/3 of whom are lesbians) held signs reading “Protect Female Sports” at two high school track meets where biological boys were competing in girls’ events. Many of the female athletes and their families thanked the protesters and expressed that they were not able to object themselves for fear of backlash.

Sell states “irrefutable truths” (many of which are not truths but trans activist talking points), but what is irrefutable is that male puberty provides significant physical advantages in athletic competition. These advantages are not erased by hormone suppression, but at the high school level, there is not even a requirement to suppress testosterone for boys who “identify” as girls to compete with the girls. Sports have always been segregated by sex, not “gender identity”. And no one is trying to prevent any kids from competing in high school sports. All can participate with their biological sex. Just as we have age groups in youth sports (a 16 year old can’t play 10U Little League) and weight categories in wrestling, we separate sports by sex with good reason.

High school sports provide tremendous physical and mental benefits and all deserve fair competition. Keep female sports female.

-Michelle Koskella

Letter published HERE.


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