San Mateo County Republican Party

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Vote Republican! Make a difference! Your ballot in the mail.


Ballots for our June Primary are due to be sent out beginning May 9. Look for your ballot in the mail and be sure to vote. We continue to encourage everyone to vote in person and vote on election day which is June 7, 2022. Although this is not a Presidential election year, your vote is important as several state-wide offices are on the ballot. Let’s show them San Mateo County still has loyal Republicans who believe in the power of the vote.

We can’t win if we don’t vote, and who gets on the November ballot matters. Help make all Republican candidates running be one of the Top Two in November, so the entire state has a real choice. California has been controlled by Democrats too long, and look where it’s gotten us: High costs of living, outrageous gas prices, unsafe neighborhoods, and information suppression.

VOTE! You will feel better knowing that you did something good for our State! We are counting on you!