Event Registration Last Chance and Dangerous Bills

As the western world and other states in the USA lift their COVID-19 mandates, California proposes more mandates. Is this the science or is it about control over individual liberties? Here are some helpful links so you can see what Republican senators think about this science.

Even now, Newsom still refuses to let go of his state of emergency on California.

Thankfully, calls and emails to legislators in Sacramento have defeated AB 1993 and SB 920. Both have been pulled. But the fight in California is not over. Below is a list of the bills Democrats want to push through to violate our basic health rights in the coming days.

But, sadly, AB2223 was approved by the judiciary committee yesterday. We need your help to oppose this overreaching bill which decriminalizes pregnancy outcomes including abortion and perinatal death. The MedicineNet website definition of perinatal period “starts at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth."
Contact the members of the Assembly Health Committee to express your concerns! When you call them after hours and leave a message, do not let them know the county you are in or they will ignore your calls. Learn more about these bills here.

Please find time to call state legislators and say "NO!" to the other bills too, so we can all go back to normal living.

For San Mateo County you can call or email their Sacramento offices:
State Assembly (District 22)
Assembly Member Kevin Mullin-DEM
State Senate (District 13)
Senator Josh Becker-DEM

We are grateful for the enthusiasm shown by the registrations at our upcoming Lincoln Reagan dinner on April 11th, which is our annual fundraiser. Today is the last day to register for the event and we still have a few seats left so don’t wait. Here’s the link to register.

Together with you,

Anna Kramer
San Mateo County Republican Party

San Mateo County Republican Party

The San Mateo GOP is the official California Republican Party for the County. We bring a diverse background of people together with common values supporting liberty & freedom for all.


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