SMGOP 2024 Voter Guide
If you are a Republican candidate and you wish to learn more about our endorsements process, visit our SMGOP Endorsement Page.
☑ General Election - November 5, 2024
☑ General Election - November 5, 2024
Suggested 2024 Ballot Selections
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
Anna Cheng Kramer
Congressional District 15
Yvette Corkrean
CA Senate District 11
Alex Glew
Senate District 13
Mark Gilham
State Assembly District 21
Ken Loo
City of Belmont, Dist 2
Arina Merkulova
City of Belmont, Dist 4
Jabra Muhawieh
Hillsborough City Council
Greg Conlon
Menlo Park City Council District 5
Nadia Flamenco
Jefferson Elementary School District
Dan Torunian
Sequoia Union High School, Area B
Sam Chetcuti
South SF Unified School District, Area A
SMGOP positions on Initiatives and Referenda
Proposition 2 - OPPOSE
$10 Billion School Bond
Proposition 3 - NEUTRAL
ACA-5, Marriage equality
Proposition 4 - OPPOSE
$10 Billion Climate Bond
Proposition 5 - OPPOSE
Lowers threshold to pass taxes or bonds from2/3s to 55% for affordable housing
Proposition 6 - OPPOSE
Slavery and involuntary servitude (prisons)
Proposition 32 - OPPOSE
Increases Minimum Wage to $18/hr
Proposition 33 - OPPOSE
Expands Rent Control to include single-family homes
Proposition 34 - NEUTRAL
Funding for Patient Care
Proposition 35 - NEUTRAL
Medi-Cal Funding Assessment
Proposition 36 - SUPPORT
Criminal Penalties (Homelessness, Drug Addiction, Theft Reduction Act)
Regional and Local Measures
Regional Measure 4 -WITHDRAWN
(RM4) $20 BILLION Bay Area Housing Bond
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority, Affordable Housing Measure was WITHDRAWN from the ballot.
See The Colossal Collapse of the Regional Measure 4 Boondoggle (marinpost.org)
Measure T, Building Heights in the City of San Mateo - The SMGOP took an OPPOSE or NO position
The reason we took a position on Measure T was the proponent and opposition requested endorsement and both sides submitted arguments and rebuttals. Speakers from both sides presented to the SMGOP meeting on September 12, 2024. A motion was made to take a NO position on Measure T. The vote was 0–Support, 2-Neutral, 17-Oppose, and 3 abstentions.
To receive an endorsement on measures requires a 2/3s vote of members present and voting.
We encourage you to review the measures you will be voting on. The resolutions and impartial analysis for all 28 measures are on this webpage November 5, 2024 Presidential General Election | San Mateo County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder & Elections - ACRE (smcacre.gov).
You will also see them on the Voter Information Guide which should be mailed out by October 15.
Status of Statewide Initiatives and Referenda
Below are links to the Secretary of State website:
Attorney General Information: Initiative and Referendum Proposals Pending Review By Attorney General
California Republican Party (CAGOP) positions on Statewide Initiatives and Referenda