“There has never been a time like right now to get involved and take a position . . . to share your talents by offering to volunteer in a campaign or getting people registered to vote. The world is run by those who show up, and those who show up and do the work . . . own our freedom.”
-San Mateo County Republican Party
Volunteer Opportunities
Enter your information here if you are interested in volunteering.
Whether you want to phone bank, drop off door hangers, canvas door to door, monitor local governments, plan parties, or organize fundraiser events, we welcome all help.

Join the Precinct Team
The SMGOP Precinct/City Team is comprised of Republican community leaders who volunteer their time to inform voters in their neighborhoods, register voters, and get out the vote to help elect Republicans at every level of government.
Recruitment is currently ongoing for the Precinct/City Team:
City Chair
Precinct Captain
Call Team Captain
Become an Election Observer
Learn the Procedures our San Mateo County Election Office Staff use to Process our Ballots.
Watch the actual Ballot Processing first hand. You will know if Procedures are being followed and if they are not Attorney's will be available to fix the problem or document it for potential litigation.
Board and Commission Opportunities in San Mateo County
Each of the 20 municipalities in San Mateo County as well as the County government, have opportunities for citizens to serve in both advisory and decision making positions.
Being appointed and serving on a Board or Commission is a great way to understand how the local government works, the issues faced and it looks great on your resume if you do decide to run for office.
Skills needed on the committee
Team leaders
Social media / Communication
Information Technology
Event planning and coordination
Monitor legislation
Fund raising
Administrative support