Upcoming events

SMGOP periodically hosts fun events to inform Republicans of issues or highlight candidates. The events are organized by our volunteer team and take place at different venues. If you would like to help with events, donate raffle prizes, help with décor or sign in, or help otherwise, please contact our Events Team Leader at info@smgop.org.

These events serve to fundraise for SMGOP so we can support the endorsed candidates in San Mateo County to get elected and effect change. If you are unable to attend these events, we welcome you to sponsor the event, sponsor guests, or simply donate. Every dollar is put to good use and spent wisely.

If you want us to consider posting an event to the SMGOP calendar, please email: calendar@smgop.org. If approved, your event will be added.

SMGOP Calendar of Events

Parental rights being discarded due to judicial  corruption in San Mateo County

Parental rights being discarded due to judicial corruption in San Mateo County

Tracy L. Henderson, Esq.California Parents United Founder

The Mid-Peninsula Republican Women invite you to a talk with Tracy L. Henderson, Esq. - California Parents United Founder

  • Divino Ristorante, 968 Ralston Ave., Belmont

  • 11:30 am-1:30 pm

  • Lunch choices offered

  • Members $30/Non-members $35

Three ways to register:

  1. Via Zelle (through your bank) to: MPRWFtreasurer@proton.me

  2. Mail a check to MPRWF, P.O. Box 1130, Belmont, CA 94002

  3. Or use your credit card by clicking the button below.

*If you would like to pay by cash please contact via email.

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CAGOP Candidates Virtual Town Hall

CAGOP Candidates Virtual Town Hall

Free CAGOP Candidates Virtual Town Hall

February 22, 2025 • 3:00pm

THIS SATURDAY: The California Republican Party (CAGOP) is set to elect new officers next month for the duration of the 2026 cycle!

Join us for this FREE virtual town hall to learn about and hear from candidates for the CAGOP Executive Committee and other offices! Plus, submit your questions to candidates!

This event will feature several candidates for CAGOP office! You don't want to miss it!

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MPRWF Evening Social/Buffet Dinner

MPRWF Evening Social/Buffet Dinner

First Evening Social/Buffet Dinner of 2025!

Come celebrate with us at our first evening social/buffet dinner of 2025… make some new like-minded friends or bring a friend! Our group meets on the back patio, which is covered and private.

Dinner includes Hawaiian style grilled chicken, skirt steak, fried rice, island salad with noodles and taro chips. Drinks are 'no-host' and are very delicious!

We also have a fun raffle with awesome patriotic prizes (bring a little cash if you want to participate).

Tickets are $36 for members/$40 for non-members.

Three ways to register:

  1. Via Zelle (through your bank) to: MPRWFtreasurer@proton.me

  2. Mail a check to MPRWF, P.O. Box 1130, Belmont, CA 94002

  3. Or use your credit card by clicking the button below.

*If you would like to pay by cash please contact via email.

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2024 Holiday Event & Dinner

2024 Holiday Event & Dinner

Holiday Event & Dinner featuring special guest speaker Steve Hilton

Please join us for an exciting evening at our always popular Holiday Event & Dinner featuring special guest speaker Steve Hilton on Friday, December 13th, 6-9pm.

Steve is well known as a British and American Commentator. He served as Director of Strategy under Prime Minister David Cameron and also hosted the Fox News show, the Next Revolution. Steve is extremely active in California politics, leading the California Dream initiative and is 'rumored' to be considering a run for CA. Governor.

This is a great opportunity to hear from a populist leader and influencer!

Early Bird Pricing is available now until November 30th.

  • General Admission $125.00

  • VIP w/ Private Reception $200.00 

Mid-Peninsula location to be disclosed prior to event. 

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MPRWF luncheon with Nan Su

MPRWF luncheon with Nan Su

MPRWF luncheon with Nan Su
Investigative Reporter, Epoch Times

Wed., Nov. 13th, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Divino Ristorante, 968 Ralston Ave., Belmont

The legal base for the U.S. to Defend Taiwan

Nan Su-Investigative Reporter, Epoch Times

Welcome back Mr. Nan Su! This presentation is the follow-up of the popular presentation, “China’s Global Expansion - past and future” that he presented to us in March. As the previous presentation provides an overview of the global threat by the Chinese regime, this new presentation focuses on the historical facts, treaties, and US legislations that allow the United States to militarily defend Taiwan.

To purchase tickets for the above events you can send a Zelle payment to MPRWFtreasurer@proton.me or a check to MPRWF, P.O. Box 1130 Belmont, CA 94002.

  • Members $30/Non-Members $35/$40 at the door (if you have not RSVP’d).

  • Tickets are non-refundable.

  • We will be in a private room.

  • Lunch choices will be offered.

  • Raffle prizes.

  • Questions? Please contact Lynne: 650-703-5521

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2024 Election Night Watch Party

2024 Election Night Watch Party

This event is SOLD OUT!!


This event is SOLD OUT!! 〰️

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SMGOP Annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner 2024

SMGOP Annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner 2024

SMGOP Annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner

Please join us on for our annual Lincoln Reagan DInner featuring Brian Sussman. You will recognize Brian as a American conservative talk radio host and former meteorologist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Brian is also the author of numerous books and will be speaking on the topic of the Climate Cult, which happens to be the title of his most recent book.

This is a great opportunity to hear from a local conservative celebrity and hear his interesting perspective on the ongoing climate debate.

  • Early Bird tickets are available at $125.00 thru September 7th, after which pricing will be $150.00.

  • VIP tickets are available at $200.00 and includes a private reception with Brian, a signed copy of his latest book, sparkling wine and appetizers in a private room.

  • Table sponsorships are available, please contact Dan Torunian at dtorunian@gmail.com. for more information.

The venue will be disclosed prior to the event, but will be an easily accessed mid-peninsula location.

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Join the Mid-Peninsula Republican Women Federated for a private screening of "REAGAN"

Join the Mid-Peninsula Republican Women Federated for a private screening of "REAGAN"

Join the Mid-Peninsula Republican Women Federated for a private screening of "REAGAN" on Wednesday, August 28.2024. Access : 5:30 pm. Movie starts @6 pm (no trailers)

Tickets are $25 each. Tickets will NOT be available at the door. This event will sell out, so please purchase in advance. You can Zelle your $25 to MPRWFtreasurer@proton.me OR you can mail a check to MPRWF, P/O> Box 1130, Belmont, CA 94002.

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Republican Floatilla

Republican Floatilla

Join us for our an exciting Republican Floatilla

Join fellow Republicans to wave your American or Trump Flag!

  • Foster City Lagoon, Thursday, August 22nd, 5 to 7 pm

  • Tickets are $125.00 per Person for the Cruise & a Picnic Style Dinner. This event is jointly sponsored by the SMGOP and Peninsula Conservative Socials.

  • For those not attending, the best viewing places will be Shell Bridge (or adjacent Catamaran Park) and Leo Ryan Park. Both of these locations will likely be earlier in our trip.

Bring your American and Trump flags and wave with us.

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Evening social & dinner at Nick's Rockaway Beach Restaurant

Evening social & dinner at Nick's Rockaway Beach Restaurant

Please join us for an evening social & dinner at Nick's Rockaway Beach Restaurant, 

100 Rockaway Beach, Pacifica 

Tickets $40 each in advance/$45 at the door. Drinks are no-host. Patriotic raffles prizes!

To purchase tickets for the event you can send a Zelle payment to MPRWFtreasurer@proton.me  or send a check to MPRWF, P.O. Box 1130 Belmont, CA 94002.  Reservations must be received 2 days in advance.  No walk-ins please.  If you would like to RSVP or have questions, please call:  650-703-5521 (Lynne)

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2024 Presidential Debate Event

2024 Presidential Debate Event

This event is SOLD OUT!


This event is SOLD OUT! 〰️

Please join us for the first 2024 Presidential Debate on Thursday, June 27th from 6-9pm

This will be a private event to be held at local San Carlos restaurant who has allowed a full takeover of the venue that will include multiple large screens, food will be provided and there will be a no-host bar.  Location to be disclosed prior to the event.

The SMGOP has worked with several donors to subsidize this event so that your cost is only $20.00 per person. 

Join us for an evening with friends, listen to the candidates and let's start the win back the White House in 2024!

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Non-SMGOP Events

SMGOP in Action

Examples of SMGOP and non-SMGOP events we have listed

Event Archives