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SPARC's April 2022 Event - Statewide Candidate Forum

This is an online event.

The upcoming California elections are critically important for the Republican Party and all of us. Join us for a timely and interactive opportunity to hear from candidates running for high profile Statewide Offices including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and Controller. Each candidate will share their respective platforms and motivation for seeking leadership roles within our State Government. It promises to be an engaging and informative event that you won't want to miss!

SPARC is pleased to co-host this event with California Congress of Republicans (CCR). This is a virtual event via Zoom and can be accessed through your computer, tablet or smartphone. A link to the meeting will be sent by email once you register for the event.

Note: You will receive Zoom meeting details prior to the event, please check your Spam folder. We are also soliciting questions for the statewide candidates ahead of time. Please type your questions on the registration form.

Thank you for your continued support of our programming. Please support SPARC by renewing your membership or becoming a new member using this link: Join SPARC!

If you have any questions about using Zoom or accessing the conference, email us at

Very truly yours,

SPARC Board of Directors
South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition (SPARC)
(848) 467-7272

April 15

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April 20

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