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Oppenheimer-Destroyer of Worlds
Destroyer of Worlds. The bio-pic 'Oppenheimer' debuted in Paris on July 21, 2023. Its first weekend grossed $82 million, exceeded only by 'Barbie', at $162 million.
Free Speech is Protected (For Now)
Alex Berenson, who sued Twitter and won, who is currently suing the Federal Government for ordering Twitter to censor him, reports that Federal District Judge Terry Doughty ordered several Federal agencies to stop censoring Constitutionally protected speech…
Are we seeing the end of girls & women’s sports as we know it?
Everyone deserves the chance to compete in athletics. Sports are among the purest and most enjoyable aspects of our society. The ability to prepare, compete, and ultimately succeed, stirs in all of us a level of drive and emotion that cannot be duplicated. But sports should not be a science experiment.
Beyond belief
Stories about what ordinary Californians encounter in their daily lives are carried by straight reporting news outlets like The Epoch Times. These topics include vast blighted areas of California life that public officials gloss over – homelessness, inflation, education, immigration, crime, land use and natural resources, inflation, education, homelessness. And government solutions to these problems don’t address the issues.
Yes on Measure V
There’s been much confusion and misleading publicity regarding this issue.
For those interested in Menlo Park’s Measure V, here’s the letter to the editor of the Palo Alto Daily Post written by Cherie Zaslawsky.
Open Letter regarding Book Donation To Library
An open letter regarding Free Speech in Redwood City.
Want to know what’s ahead for you?
The supply chain issue is bad enough, but now it is compounded by China's shutdown. Car dealers are moaning that they… READ ON!
Common-Sense Solutions
Stories about what ordinary Californians encounter in their daily lives are carried by straight reporting news outlets like The Epoch Times. These topics include vast blighted areas of California life that public officials gloss over – homelessness, inflation, education, immigration, crime, land use and natural resources, inflation, education, homelessness. And government solutions to these problems don’t address the issues.